What do you currently contribute to the Ministry of Testing community?

Contributing to the testing community is super rewarding. The fact you’re reading this is something special. And no doubt you’re already contributing to helping someone in the community (even if it’s just yourself).

Did you know we’ve classified 42 ways to contribute to the Ministry of Testing community? Have a look at the PDF and tick off what you already do. And if you’re up for it, set a goal to pick up a couple more. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

There’s a whole tonne of feel-good waiting for you around the corner. Make those tasks work for you on your own agenda. If work and life are a bit hectic, now may not be the time to give your all to the community and that’s ok. Consider your time and energy levels. Dip out and dip back in – the community will be here. :grinning:

Feel free to reply with what you’re up to and what you enjoy/struggle with. Plus add ideas for us to increase the 42 ways.


Mostly I just hang around in the moderator chat and sometimes make official-sounding posts. :slight_smile:


I’m a big fan of what you do for the community, @tybar. Community moderation takes focus, diligence, diplomacy and effort. And you do all of that so well! Thank you. :raised_hands:t2:


Hi Simon

That PDF is really helpful. There I was reading and thinking I dont do that much, but then going through it made me realise that a) I have helped in more ways that I thought and b) there are plenty of other things I could be doing in the future, once things settle down a bit.



That’s amazing, @sjwatsonuk. I’m so glad it helped.

You do brilliant things with the testing community. Thank you!

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A few years ago I made this page, yet after years still new ways to “be around”


Thanks for the PDF and keep to the 42 :wink:

I just found something perhaps duplicate while reading and ticking through, so I have got a question:
Page 2, Question 1 and 4 about attending in-person or online

  • Attend an in-person or online event
  • Attend an in-person or online meet-up

could you think of merging those in together as one bulletpoint?

  • Attend an in-person or online event and/or meet-up

(but therefore the 42 would decrease :scream: )

I am still scared to tick of a box in “THE CONTENT WAYS” as somehow I am very impressed by others. But this is still on a bucket list for this year:

  • Write an article
  • Give a 99 Second Talk at TestBash
  • Guest on a podcast

Let’s keep fingers crossed :wink: