What do you think of this “Start exploratory testing today” video?


We think there aren’t enough easy-to-follow, easy-to-get-started videos out there for exploratory testing and so put together this video. What do you think of it, is it helpful? Would you be interested in more videos along these lines?


Any and all feedback would be super helpful.



Nice video! When I watched it there was a lot of alarm bells ringing. As in addressing it from risks from the value to the user is one dimensions and there are a lot of others that also are important and of interest. And another alarm bell was the “one size fits all”. But then I tried to look at it from the introductory point of view and I think you did a great job. This is a method that can get you started, and it contained the parts and was explained in a clear fashion. Good job.

My suggestions would be to highlight that this is the starting point and there are plenty more out there to explore. And to reinforce the 5 steps in a short summary to help the person to retain the information at the end of the video.

Awesome initiative!


Hi Ola,

Thanks so much for your feedback, it’s great to hear that you felt the content was clear.

We were also concerned that people would think they’re being shown the one and only way of testing. We tried to emphasise that in a number of different ways to alleviate this concern, but it’s a difficult one to get right.

If there’s interest in this kind of video, we’d like to produce more and when there are more available hopefully it’ll be clearer that there are many ways of approaching exploratory testing. Reiterating the 5 steps is a great point, we’ll definitely take that into account for any future videos.

Thanks again. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @simon_tomes!

I enjoyed the video and appreciate the use of risks as the example. The questions for exploring risks were open ended and encouraged exploration - perfect! Great job advocating for making quality a team sport by encouraging conversations! I thought that the simple exercise contained enough introduction that someone could apply this immediately.

I also thought you did a good job mixing great advice while minimizing product pitching.



Hi @devtotest,

Thanks for watching and for your kind feedback. We very much appreciate it!
