What does DevOps culture mean to you?

Going by this piece:
“The term “DevOps” was coined by Patrick Dubois at the first DevOps Days in 2009. The idea was to break down that operations silo and get operations specialists working together with development specialists.”
and this:

and this:

" There’s been a lot of talk about what DevOps is and is not, but recent consensus is that DevOps is primarily about culture. Organizations that have adopted this culture value collaboration, experimentation and learning. In a DevOps culture, all participants in all phases of the software delivery lifecycle align around a shared goal: the rapid delivery of stable, high-quality software from concept to customer.

Automation of software development, testing and deployment through continuous delivery goes hand-in-hand with DevOps. Automation enables organizations to deliver software more quickly while ensuring operations can have confidence in what is being deployed, and customers get the quality, security and stability they require."

I am unsure about its meaning(beyond a culture of collaboration) as the context changes between teams, departments, and companies and so does its meaning. I would rather avoid using it.

Some companies have developers who do the operations, some hire Ops with some dev experience
as an independent role.
Some companies keep devs and operations in the same team, others separate them.
Some companies don’t even use that term or have no interest in doing it, others prefer to highlight it as a lack of something or the cohesion of something.
Some companies use it as the reason and means to do quick releases, others don’t and do releases at their own pace.
Some companies define it in the context of CI/CD, or moving to cloud service, as some extra specialization is required to set it up.
In some companies, I haven’t heard the word. In others, it comes up almost daily.

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I’s like that! I’m not too far in yet. I’m attending the book club with John Willis every Friday, lots of interesting folks there.


100% on that. Teams that take that approach often lack testing knowledge. That’s why most teams I meet really need one or more QE/testing specialists to help them learn.


Yeah, the misconceptions I see are one reason I wrote the post. For me, DevOps is a culture. Culture is the hardest thing to change in an organization, so it’s not easy to make the transformation!


That would be fun, thanks!

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This reminds me of Esther Derby’s brilliant book: 7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change. :blue_book:

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