HolidayBash Crystal Maze

I am happy to captain Team LegEnds, and for Chris to be first officer.


yessss @heather_reid


Hi all I’m really sorry - I hate doing this last minute - I thought holidaybash was part of pro subscription :frowning: - I’m not sure if I can still take part if I’m not actually attending the event!
(I’m a bit embarrassed by this)

Does anyone need an extra teammate?

90% sure you could take my spot @sheymouse, was kinda hoping someone would ask!

Which team were you on?

Team LegStarts. Chur.

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Ok mate. If you’re cool with me subbing in I’ll go and get the LegStart tattoo.

Cool, you’re in Shey!

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Is there a link to go to to play this?
I’m in Team LegStarts I believe
but not sure haha

I would say you join the Games room at the allotted time. Which is 7PM UK.

perfectttt, thank you Shey!!

Wasn’t my task, but I love to draw so here’s Richard!