Many wants to say hi

Hi everyone,

My name is Many, Iā€™m from Germany and have been working as a software tester since 2008 (wow - time flies).
Some years I spent as a consultant before I switched to a big freight forwarding company.

In all those years, Iā€™ve been working in ā€˜traditionalā€™ v-model or waterfall projects.

Now Iā€™m interested to get more familiar with the testerā€™s role in agile projects. At the moment Iā€™m reading ā€˜Agile Testingā€™ and ā€˜More Agile Testingā€™ and I absolutely love those books. Really makes me want to start in an agile project right away.

But before I do that, I would like to learn more about BDD and get better at exploratory testing.

After was mentioned during an AB Testing podcast episode - I thought it sounded like a cool place.

So - thatā€™s why Iā€™m here


Itā€™s where all the cool people are !!

Cool and testing - who would have thought :):sunglasses:

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Yeah, testing is a pretty cool job.:grin: