SWTC Cambridge - Identifying Risks

Hi everybody,

many thanks for engaging in our Software Testing Clinic Session on “Identifying Risks”.

I had an absolute blast. Loved the diversity and relevance of the risks that were identified in the different groups looking at the BBC Homepage, and expanding on the techniques and test activities identified to explore those risks.

For more on the topic, continue the discussion here, or over at the Ministry of Testing Slack channel (Sing up).

Risk away!


For some background reading:

risk-based testing approach

Prioritising Risk (Risk = Likelihood * Impact)

Resources & Techniques introduced

Software Testing Clinic

  • Risks? (99 second introduction)

And the flipcharts of the evening:


We didn’t discuss it on the night, but some people separate risk and uncertainty. I think it’s an interesting idea and I wrote about it at the Ministry of Testing: https://dojo.ministryoftesting.com/dojo/lessons/not-sure-about-uncertainty

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