Week 1 - Miro Boards

Hello @ait-cohort-1

Congratulations on finishing the first class on Tuesday. Richard and I felt it was a great session with some excellent conversations and great output from the activities. To keep the ideas and reflection flowing I’ve captured each team’s Testability / Automatability activity boards below to review:

Testability Automatability - Team 6.pdf (355.0 KB) Testability Automatability - Team 5.pdf (428.0 KB) Testability Automatability - Team 4.pdf (429.6 KB) Testability Automatability - Team 3.pdf (246.4 KB) Testability Automatability - Team 2.pdf (321.0 KB) Testability Automatability - Team 1.pdf (279.9 KB)

I’ve also added the What is Automation post-it board below as well:

What is Test Automation.pdf (291.4 KB)

Looking forward to seeing your shared models over the week!
- Mark