Yesterday, I did a combination between a workshop and presentation at Agile Switzerland meetup I included 3 testing games as examples and for every game we took (5 min) exercice using breakout rooms between participants to get an overview and brainstorming about testing related cards.
Was in the office for 3 days. Change of scenery felt good, and also managed to get a lot of stuff done which wouldn’t have been possible remotely
Had an in-person 1:1 with my manager since who knows how long. The conversation flowed so much better than over video
Working with our production facility to include some automated tests as part of the production process. Proper shifting right
And for a fail:
I missed a motorway exit on one of the days I commuted into the office (was pondering over some tasks for the day). That resulted in an extra 10 miles added to the journey
Vacation mode here, and one win was to let my work phone run out of power and leave it
It’s nice to see my blog post on Conway’s law getting shared. It’s based on some ponderings from Test Bash Home 2021 and the ever ongoing pyramid… Conway’s Law for Test Automation?
Not so great: I had a fewer reaction to the second shot and Denmark didn’t beat England in the Euro finals. But those I just have to roll with.
Professional win: describing a risk I identified in testing a new feature led to the senior dev realising that an existing feature in our legacy app that we are working on updating to a Cloud application had been completely overlooked.
Personal win: I’ve been commissioned to write a book on my 2011 photographic trip to Poland!
My win is to come in Top 3 winners in one 8f the blogging contest run by ACCELQ online. This was the first time ever I participated in blogging contest.
Published my blog -July month in the club forum
Started designing my own uplifting quotes as I believe in them and I think it will help others too.
It has been a mixed week for me.
Thunderstorm, heavy rain and, sunshine in random order a couple of times this week. As literally spoken about the interesting weather we had here this week as also figuratively spoken about my mood this week.
But talking about the wins. So what sticks the most to my mind.
Managed to hack our product key mechanism, which is currently under development. I would say I was happier about it than others
Created a racket account and have 2 followers so far without any racket recorded yet
A friend asks me to help her with her cover letter for the application. Nice to see people feel comfortable enough and trust me to ask for it