What is Your Goal For November 2020?

I think it would be great to set our goals here and celebrate with each other when we achieve them :heart:

So, what is your goal for November? No matter how big or small the goal, we’re here to help you achieve it :muscle:

My November goal is to focus better at work and get stuff done!

Really been struggling to get any traction this year, and now it’s already November and I’m still waiting for my brain to get into the game. Looks like I just have to ignore it and push through to Get Stuff Done. xD We’ll see how that goes. I just want to be productive at work.

I also have some personal goals, mostly a writing goal for National Novel Writing Month, as well as a writing prompt fiction swap thing I signed up for that I need to have finished in the next week or so to send off. xD Aaaaahhhhh Oh and I want to get into Silver rank in LoL before the season closes xD I cannot finish the season in Bronze, I refuse!!


November goal, get one new test suite demoed into production. Last week I started pushing the coding button hard, and it felt good. So my background-work work goal is to get at least one of my 2 new mini-features thoroughly automated testing runs, in Continuous Integration Nightlies.

On the personal side, I’m improving my Pythoning, but also need some basic Javaneese sometimes.
Since I have been sitting on a Python podcast-feed builder script since lockdown, and am undecided on rebooting it, or being pragmatic and working on a JavaScript project… I’m going to commit to a basic “Interactive” (aka. simple game) Javascript project hosting on github or other static host.


Busy month with work, which could have been easier if I hadn’t just inherited Scrum Master duties.

Goals are:

  • to get a third of the way through my UX Course, being building personas internally, in preparation for building external ones.

  • Establish RiskStorming for all new feature development (we have already registered for the awesome app - so should you)

  • Publish one of my eight! draft blog posts

  • Work out if any ideas are abstract worthy for any future CFPs

  • Start plans for security, accessibility, performance and automation testing going forward

  • Live podcast with the Testing Peers

  • Make a smashing birthday for two lovelies in my household!


Our espresso and xcui testing frameworks are almost a year old. With continuous project work coming in, we didn’t get a chance to update or review them.

My goal for November is to review them and update it to get it work with some of the cool new libraries released lately. Especially, HILT for Android, and swift combine for iOS.

In particular, I am planning on moving away from just e2e tests to more modular scenario or screen based tests. So excited!

On a personal front, my article for MoT has now passed the editing and review stage. Looking forward for it to be published soon :blush:


I am postponing these things already for a while, so I thought if I publish goals here, then I will feel accountable and finally will do it:-)

  1. Polish and publish my BDD Testcafe test suite on GitHub
  2. Publish 2 articles on the blog
  3. Write down all small learning outcomes which happen while working on another test automation task at work.
  4. Find somebody to review my updated CV:-)

Happy to help you with this if you’d like extra eyes @christovskia :slight_smile:

I could take a look for you if you’d like @autozen!

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  • Do my first ever external talk (a guide to usability)
  • Write a strategy / plan / test scenarios for an OAT project
  • Gather feedback from customers about a matter
  • Do a hasfit 30 day muscle building challenge :open_mouth: Exercise is keeping me focused during this pandemic!
  • Bake a beetroot chocolate cake
  • Recycle/Donate some items from my household.
  • Continue to connect on the club!!
    Hopefully this all keeps me busy with the imminent lockdown in the UK!! :slight_smile:
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I also wanted to do this so super keen to see how it goes for you :grin:

Celebrating our small victories is so important in this climate. Good on you!


Oh my goodness this is SO good @heather_reid! It was a jamie Oliver one . Greta to switch off this lunchtime to bake it.


I may just have to try this now :grin:

@heather_reid that would be so great! :slightly_smiling_face: What would be the best way to share it with you? By email?


I’ve been rolling out a new training programme at my job, and by the end of November I want to have completed a hands on session where people have actually ran some automated tests.

Been mostly overview type sessions so far. Twitching to get some people running and doing some basic fixes.


Yes or you can send me a direct message on here if that works for you too :grin:

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Hi, this is actually one of my first posts in the club :slight_smile:
My November goal is to create a community of testers at my company. Something in the light of a QA guild.
Where am I stuck? at the community name. I’m looking for a cool\funny name that will make people smile when they see it. Any ideas?


Finish preparations and take my first AWS certification exam.


If you want to get others involved @ifat_sharifi, it could be fun to have some of them suggest names. I know @undevelopedbruce asked for team suggestions when the company were talking about changing the team name.

From a community perspective, it’s a great way for people to feel involved with it from the very beginning :slight_smile:

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This is a cracking bit of advice. It could form the start of some Ice breaking activities.

From a community perspective, it’s a great way for people to feel involved with it from the very beginning :slight_smile:

You could always suggest a couple of not great names, and use that as a start point.

From a community perspective, it would be good to explore what people want / think a community can offer them, and what they can offer in return. Considering people are busy, you (the community) want to make it so that people get something out of whatever activities you do.

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